Friday 24 April 2015

Beltane 2015 : Drowned Offerings

Histories of Herodotus
A history source of Persian Empire of Achaemenian era
By: Herodotus (c. 484 - 425 BCE); Translated by: George Rawlinson 

[2.1] On the death of Cyrus, Cambyses his son by Cassandane daughter of Pharnaspes took the kingdom. Cassandane had died in the lifetime of Cyrus, who had made a great mourning for her at her death, and had commanded all the subjects of his empire to observe the like. Cambyses, the son of this lady and of Cyrus, regarding the Ionian and Aeolian Greeks as vassals of his father, took them with him in his expedition against Egypt among the other nations which owned his sway.

[2.90] Whensoever any one, Egyptian or foreigner, has lost his life by falling a prey to a crocodile, or by drowning in the river, the law compels the inhabitants of the city near which the body is cast up to have it embalmed, and to bury it in one of the sacred repositories with all possible magnificence. No one may touch the corpse, not even any of the friends or relatives, but only the priests of the Nile, who prepare it for burial with their own hands - regarding it as something more than the mere body of a man - and themselves lay it in the tomb.

[3.30] And now Cambyses, who even before had not been quite in his right mind, was forthwith, as the Egyptians say, smitten with madness for this crime. The first of his outrages was the slaying of Smerdis, his full brother, whom he had sent back to Persia from Egypt out of envy, because he drew the bow brought from the Ethiopians by the Icthyophagi (which none of the other Persians were able to bend) the distance of two fingers' breadth. When Smerdis was departed into Persia, Cambyses had a vision in his sleep - he thought a messenger from Persia came to him with tidings that Smerdis sat upon the royal throne and with his head touched the heavens. Fearing therefore for himself, and thinking it likely that his brother would kill him and rule in his stead, Cambyses sent into Persia Prexaspes, whom he trusted beyond all the other Persians, bidding him put Smerdis to death. 

So this Prexaspes went up to Susa and slew Smerdis. 

Some say he killed him as they hunted together, others, that he took him down to the Erythraean Sea, and there drowned him.

King Jacob

700 drowned
70ft vessel
70 miles from the Libyan Coast


Q : Why are there Libyan Boat People?

A : The Destruction and Planned Disintegration of Libya, The Global War of Terror and The Attempted Recolonisation of Afrika.

"You can't make any excuses for Jacob wrestling with the Man of God - you can't excuse that away!

Hell, you don't wrestle with God's Man and hold up God's business!

'Israel' is not a good name - his name was 'Jacob' at first; he became [across] the Man of God, beats The Man, holds The Man, fights The Man, holds The Man up all night long, and tells The Man 
'Look, I ain't gonna let you go until you give me something...'

And he gave him a name, 'Israel
[Fights/Strives with (a) god (Is-Ra-El) ] - 

now you have to deal with what that name means..."

 - Bro. Minister Khalid Abdul Muhammad 

[2.2] Now the Egyptians, before the reign of their king Psammetichus, believed themselves to be the most ancient of mankind. Since Psammetichus, however, made an attempt to discover who were actually the primitive race, they have been of opinion that while they surpass all other nations, the Phrygians surpass them in antiquity. This king, finding it impossible to make out by dint of inquiry what men were the most ancient, contrived the following method of discovery:- He took two children of the common sort, and gave them over to a herdsman to bring up at his folds, strictly charging him to let no one utter a word in their presence, but to keep them in a sequestered cottage, and from time to time introduce goats to their apartment, see that they got their fill of milk, and in all other respects look after them. His object herein was to know, after the indistinct babblings of infancy were over, what word they would first articulate. It happened as he had anticipated. The herdsman obeyed his orders for two years, and at the end of that time, on his one day opening the door of their room and going in, the children both ran up to him with outstretched arms, and distinctly said "Becos." When this first happened the herdsman took no notice; but afterwards when he observed, on coming often to see after them, that the word was constantly in their mouths, he informed his lord, and by his command brought the children into his presence. Psammetichus then himself heard them say the word, upon which he proceeded to make inquiry what people there was who called anything "becos," and hereupon he learnt that "becos" was the Phrygian name for bread. In consideration of this circumstance the Egyptians yielded their claims, and admitted the greater antiquity of the Phrygians.

[2.3] That these were the real facts I learnt at Memphis from the priests of Vulcan. The Greeks, among other foolish tales, relate that Psammetichus had the children brought up by women whose tongues he had previously cut out; but the priests said their bringing up was such as I have stated above. I got much other information also from conversation with these priests while I was at Memphis, and I even went to Heliopolis and to Thebes, expressly to try whether the priests of those places would agree in their accounts with the priests at Memphis. The Heliopolitans have the reputation of being the best skilled in history of all the Egyptians. What they told me concerning their religion it is not my intention to repeat, except the names of their deities, which I believe all men know equally. If I relate anything else concerning these matters, it will only be when compelled to do so by the course of my narrative.

[2.4] Now with regard to mere human matters, the accounts which they gave, and in which all agreed, were the following. The Egyptians, they said, were the first to discover the solar year, and to portion out its course into twelve parts. They obtained this knowledge from the stars. (To my mind they contrive their year much more cleverly than the Greeks, for these last every other year intercalate a whole month, but the Egyptians, dividing the year into twelve months of thirty days each, add every year a space of five days besides, whereby the circuit of the seasons is made to return with uniformity.) The Egyptians, they went on to affirm, first brought into use the names of the twelve gods, which the Greeks adopted from them; and first erected altars, images, and temples to the gods; and also first engraved upon stone the figures of animals. In most of these cases they proved to me that what they said was true. And they told me that the first man who ruled over Egypt was Min, and that in his time all Egypt, except the Thebaic canton, was a marsh, none of the land below Lake Moeris then showing itself above the surface of the water. This is a distance of seven days' sail from the sea up the river.

[2.5] What they said of their country seemed to me very reasonable. For any one who sees Egypt, without having heard a word about it before, must perceive, if he has only common powers of observation, that the Egypt to which the Greeks go in their ships is an acquired country, the gift of the river. The same is true of the land above the lake, to the distance of three days' voyage, concerning which the Egyptians say nothing, but which exactly the same kind of country. [Kush]

The following is the general character of the region. In the first place, on approaching it by sea, when you are still a day's sail from the land, if you let down a sounding-line you will bring up mud, and find yourself in eleven fathoms' water, which shows that the soil washed down by the stream extends to that distance.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Hollywood Accredits The Memes : "Flight" (2012)

"Now, this is podracing..!!"

The Art of Predictive Programming : It's all the pilot's fault.


But it's far more realistic and convincing in the movies, so people believe it.

During this aviation disaster, almost everything possible that can happen, and can go wrong with a plane whilst in flight can go wrong, and does go wrong, all at once and within the space of around 8 minutes.

This is likes opening your front door to find two Black Swans humping on your front porch. If you live in rural Mexico.


The plane, and the crew, absolutely everything goes wrong with, and the pilot captaining the plane does absolutely everything right and in good order to save the plane.

The passengers also perfectly remember and comply with all of the procedures detailed in the on-board safety lecture. 

Which would never happen.

"The NTSB works very closely with the pilots union"

I'm absolutely sure that's true.

But they played absolutely no role in investigating any aspect of 9/11, as they are legally required to do, according to Crash Protocols depicted in this film...

"So much for preliminaries. When we enter the world of the 9/11 myth, we find ourselves on the terrain of mass psychosis, mass hallucination, mass delusion. The twentieth century has shown how powerful these ideological figments can be. This book proceeds from the standpoint of Platonic idealism; a Marxist might say that with 9/11, we enter the world of radically false consciousness, where the superstructure has become completely detached from social and material reality in a way that Marx never contemplated in his writings. 

A suggestive study that addresses precisely this complex of problems is Joseph Gabel's 1975 False Consciousness: An Essay on Reification. Gabel sees reification (hypostatization) as the making of people, ideas, and time into things. His point of departure is the gross fact of mass belief in ideological chimeras, specifically Nazi and Stalinist ideology. The 9/11 myth is of a piece with these.

Gabel elaborates a lengthy definition of the political world view which is correlated with alienated and manipulated political life under the rule of schizophrenic/autistic ideologies which exhibit a low degree of fidelity to reality. Gabel called this the "police concept of history;" if he were writing today, he might well have called it the intelligence community or CIA theory of history. 

Gabel writes: "The police concept of history is the negation of the historical dialectic, in other words the negation of history .... History's driving force is not the ensemble of objective forces but good or evil individual action ... since the 'event' is no longer understood as the normal substratum of the course of History, but as miracle or catastrophe; it is no longer dependent on scientific explanation but on black or white magic. In the Manichean diptych of this view, the hero (leader) and the traitor represent two poles of the same principle of reificational negation of the autonomy of history. It is therefore a pseudo-history, a non-dialectical result either of success due to the genius of the leader or failure explicable through treason; an authentic 'syndrome of external action' permits the privileged system to evade eventual responsibility. The police concept of history represents the extreme form of political alienation; it is both a sociocentrism which dichotomizes the world into a privileged system [the US] and a non-privileged remainder [the Arab and Islamic world]  and a phenomenon of consciousness of a schizophrenic nature. Since the privileged system is considered as perfect, extra-temporal and extra-dialectical, the event -- particularly the unfavorable event -- can only be explained by means of external action; it is experienced as an unexpected, 'undeserved' catastrophe, which is no longer integrated into the normal course of events whose succession constitutes the threat of concrete, dialectical temporality. One can compare this ensemble with the two specific elements in the clinical picture of schizophrenia, the syndrome of external action and the deranged experience of the end of the world (Weltuntergangserlebnis, abbreviated as WUE by German authors), the clinical translation of the appearance of the dialectic in a reified world which can accept the event only as a catastrophe." (Gabel 115-116, with my interpolations)

Here we have the principal elements or memes of the 9/11 myth in a clinical description a quarter century before the fact. The event has nothing to do with real historical forces. The realities of world commodity flows and of the world financial system in particular go out the window. 

Bin Laden and al Qaeda provide a deus ex machina of absolute evil and black magic. 9/11 is the undeserved catastrophe or WUE, experienced as a nightmare out of the blue. In order for such notions to gain mass acceptance, the American ideology had to already have traveled a considerable distance down the road towards schizophrenia and autism, and such mass acceptance has in turn further accelerated that descent. For Gabel, schizophrenia is a loss of contact with reality and with history. 

His definition of schizophrenia depends heavily on the notion that, for the schizophrenic, development over time has become incomprehensible, while relations in space have become all-important. In space we can often choose to move, but time does not permit this. 

Therefore there is a close relationship between a radically anti-historical view of the world, as for example among the neocons and the Bush regime, and the syndromes of clinical schizophrenia, prominent among whose symptoms Gabel sees morbid rationalism, understood as a weak hold on reality: "In the light of recent work, schizophrenia appears as a loss of the sense of personal history, and psychotherapy therefore consists of a reconstruction of the totality of the person with a reintegration into history. From the viewpoint of the investigator the schizophrenic loss of the historico-dialectical perception of reality can be seen in the form of a preponderance of the spatial factor or as a loss of experienced time: as over-spatialization or as sub-temporalization." (Gabel 116) Gabel's work here dovetails with that of Frank, who points to Bush 43's notorious refusal to discuss the details of his youthful debauchery before the age of about 40. It is as if these episodes were repressed and no longer accessible to memory -- at least, in Bush's own propaganda patter. 

Frank is certainly on firm ground when he points to the fundamentalist belief structure of Bush and of so much of his base as representing a rejection of human history, personal history, and of natural history as well: "Just as fundamentalist creationist teachings deny history, the fundamentalist notion of conversion or rebirth encourages the believer to see himself as disconnected from history. George W. Bush's evasive, self-serving defense of his life before he was born again displays just this tendency. To the believer, the power of spiritual absolution not only erases the sins of the past, but divorces the current self from the historical sinner." (Frank 59- 60)

A vital part of the WUE brought about inside the perfect system by evil forces is that these evil forces are axiomatically seen as coming from outside of that perfect system. 

Evil is always external, never home grown, as it was for the racist southern sheriff who thought that all racial tensions were the work of outside agitators. "The result is that when the evidence of the historicity of existence forces itself on the misoneism [hatred of change] of reified consciousness, it appears as an unexpected catastrophe, inexplicable and often attributed therefore to external action .... 

For sociocentrism, the privileged system being perfect, any change (particularly any unfavorable change) is the work of external maleficent powers." (Gabel 288 and note) Gerhard Wisnewski has related this idea most directly to 9/11. As Wisnewski points out, "from outside" is the central slogan of the official version of 9/11. "The impression is produced that the perpetrators came 'from outside': from outside of the building, from outside of America, even from outside civilization. The official version of these events screams 'outside, outside, outside.'" (Wisnewski 143)

In a world axiomatically defined by terrorism, the Manichean outlook seems destined always to win out. Sanguinetti saw something similar in Italy at the beginning of the strategy of tension: 

"In view of terrorism presented as absolute evil, evil in itself and for itself: all the other evils fade in to the background and are even forgotten; since the fight against terrorism coincides with the common interest, it already is the general good, and the State, which magnanimously conducts it, is good in itself and for itself.

Without the wickedness of the devil, God's infinite bounty could not appear and be appreciated as is fitting." (Sanguinetti 3)

Gabel insists again and again on the key role played by the loss of the historical dimension, and it is clear that this problem was shared by twentieth-century America with Nazi Germany and with Soviet Russia. Anglo-American propaganda exhibits an overwhelming tendency to demonize enemy leaders: Noriega, Milosevic, Bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein are notable examples, but the tendency goes back to Kaiser Wilhelm at the very least. Today the explicit speech of propaganda is conducted on the overtly infantile plane: we hear of good guys and bad guys, of bad actors, and most of all of terrorists. Gabel writes: "For Gabel, this is another symptom of reification (hypostatization): "As a prisoner of a universe where space takes the place of duration, man in the reified world cannot understand history as the expression of creativity and spontaneity. Consequently the undeniable fact of change forces itself on this 'consciousness of immediacy' as a catastrophe, as a sudden change coming from the outside that excludes mediation. ...Seen in this perspective, history appears as a function of demiurgic action. An external force (God, the hero, a party) transcends the efficiency of its autonomous dialectic. Reified consciousness is essentially ahistorical: mens momentanea seu carens recordatione,' [a mind in the moment, or lacking memory] said Leibniz on this subject." (Gabel 151) 

Here is history reduced to a fairy tale, with the cocaine-abusing, alcoholic, mentally-impaired Bush as the hero of the good, and the rich, misfit, raving ideologue Bin Laden as the champion of evil. How can hundreds of millions of people believe in such a product?

Gabel discusses the stress on biological heredity and race as one of the leading anti-historical features of the Nazi outlook, and there is evidence that Hitler was also well aware of this. Gabel points out that Nazi ideology, with its glorification of race and biology, was marked by "morbid rationalism in its worst form." 

Gabel argues that "any unfavorable event for this racial pseudo-value is itself extra-historicized and 'understood' in terms of treason or conspiracy:the ideology of national socialism is logically inseparable from the theory of the 'stab in the back."' (Gabel 117) 

If fascism comes to the United States, it is now certain that its ideology will prominently feature the 9/11 events as a stab in the back to a benefactor by an ungrateful and treacherous outside world; fascist neocons are already spouting this point of view. 

Ironically, the German request for an armistice in 1918, which Hitler later condemned as a stab in the back by Social Democratic politicians, was actually the work of Field Marshal Ludendorff and other future backers of Hitler. As for 9/11, which Bush blames on the Arab and Moslem world, it too had some of its main backers inside the US military and intelligence services. 

Frank sees Bush's paranoid schizophrenic hostility to real historical processes reflected in some well-known aspects of his bureaucratic methods. One is his insistence on absolute, unquestioning loyalty on the part of his underlings: "Like the alcoholic father who is threatened by the independence of his family members, Bush demands absolute loyalty and conformity, trying to freeze his national family in time. ..." (Frank 46) For Frank, Bush has no use for history in any form; he remarks, "with a president who refuses to view history as anything but an enemy he cannot afford to acknowledge or engage, it's impossible not to wonder what painful lessons of history we may be doomed to repeat." (Frank 161)

One way of denying historical reality is to wipe out the past; another is to insist that the leading delusion of one's own time is destined to last forever. The Nazis did this in one way, Bush in another: "the historical time of national socialism was dominated ... by the chimerical hope of an empty eternity" -- there was the promise of a thousand year Reich, sometimes escalated to 20,000 years of Nazi world domination. (Gabel 134) For Bush and the neocons, this has become the nightmare vision of a war against terrorism which is literally endless.

Bush's fraudulent "war on terrorism" is of course a war of civilizations directed against the 1 billion Arab and Moslem people in the world; it is more hypocritical than Hitlerism because it assiduously denies its own real content.

In reality, the "war on terrorism" is a racist war against Arabs and Moslems today, with China and perhaps Russia as candidates for all-out attack at some later time. From time to time the real essence explodes to the surface, as in Bush's call for a crusade, or in General Boykin's comments on satanic Islam. Neocon radio talk show hosts like Michael Savage are more explicit every day, and it is they who service the belief structure of Bush's hard-core followers.

Gabel sees racism as another denial of reality and history: "The racist perception of human reality is schizophrenic in several ways," he observes. Gabel also detects a depersonalization of members of the targeted group, "which is reflected particularly in caricature, the strongest weapon of ethnocentrism." (Gabel 123)

In Bush's fear-mongering oratory, the denial of reality is so great that it often approaches the qualities of hallucination, and sometimes enters into that domain. "It will be admitted that there exists a certain analogy between hallucinatory consciousness which, in its demand for homogeneity, is forced to alienate in a hallucinatory form the tendencies that it no longer manages to organize in a concrete totality, and, on the other hand, reified political consciousness which, in its postulate of political homogeneity -- a postulate which the totalitarian state tries to put into practice -- attributes to the foreigner (in the widest sense of the term, implying also political heterodoxy) facts for which a simple dialectical consideration of reality would permit a rational explanation to be given." (Gabel 279-280) 

Frank connects this to the hatred of the lawful character of reality, which we see manifested in Bush -- who loves to live outside the law as an individual, from his drunk driving arrests through his National Guard shenanigans to his illegal election -- and in the neocons -- who hate the very concept of international law: "Wilfred R. Bion points out that the part of the personality that hates internal law -- the laws of reality, of time, of responsibility, of loss -- hates external reality as well. It attacks links made in the mind, undermining the capacity to think and organize that comes from facing reality and its limitations. Living outside the law of mature responsibility becomes both the midwife of omnipotent fantasy and the mortician of the capacity to think." (Frank 89)

Bush boasts about his own penchant for seeing the world in black and white, as a single Manichean opposition of good and evil, with no nuances or gray areas. As Frank notes, "there are no shades of gray in this fight for civilization .... Either you're with the United States of America, or you're against the United States of America." (Frank 13) 

Gabel saw the same phenomenon in the Nazis: "By virtue of the implicit Manichean postulate of ideological thought, the enemies of enemies so often enjoy an undeserved favorable prejudice; for the political Manichean one is either "with us or against us," as Bush constantly repeats. (Gabel 97 note)

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Henry Luce of Time-Life and Skull & Bones

TIME Promotes the career and achievements of Vice Admiral Karl Doenitz
Future Second (and Final) Furhur of the German Third Reich
8 Weeks Following Pearl Harbour
Feburary 2, 1942

"The British soon found themselves in conflict with Henry Luce. 

His global internationalist vision of the American Century and his ability to publicize that vision were very useful when the British were trying to involve the United States in international events. 

But they became a threat to the British vision of the postwar world after Pearl Harbor. 

By early 1943, Henry Luce was on the list of enemies who endangered the British Empire."

Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939-44 (1998)

TIME Does it again,
May 10 1943

Monday 20 April 2015

From the Files of Bletchley Park - The Real Historical Record of TheHolocaust (1942)


"1944 essentially is the entire Auschwitz story."
- David Cole/Stein 

Auschwitz is not The Holocaust.

Einstatz Reinhardt and the Einstazgrupen were The ACTUAL Holocaust.

Under a social system of chattel slavery, such as Ameican Negro Slavery, slaves are major, high value capital assets, owned as private property by individuals.

Such labour is scares and slaves valuable. 
You do not kill such slaves unless you have money to burn.

Under a social system of Indentured Servitude or Wage Slavery, such as British-Indian Coolie Labour, or the construction of the great Continental American Railroads, workers supply their labour as a service under a binding and totally lopsided and usually unwritten contract in a labour-surplus economy to private companies or corporations

Such labour is abundant and workers easily and instantly replaceable. 
Workers can be hired and fired at will and often lose their lives and/or their health on the job due to poor and appalling working conditions.

Under a State-Capitalist, National Socialist or Corporate-State System, subject non-citizens and stateless persons are wards of The State, devoid of many rights (specifically Civil Rights) and statutory protections, subject to extra-judicial administrative control and bureaucratic dictat as unrealised assets and non-commercial liabilities held by The State.

Such people are potentially both a non-transferable asset, or a loss-making revenue-negative section of a government department. This depends entirely upon the willingness of state administrators to press for the optimal degree of exploitation of such people held and controlled by The State as an orderly and efficient, coordinated and directed workforce.

This was the role of Adolf Eichmann in the Reich government.

13/15. OLQ de OMQ 1005 83 234 250

State Secret!

To the Senior Commander of the Security Police [and the Security Service], for the attention of SS Obersturmbannfuhrer HEIM, CRACOW.

Subject: fortnightly report Einsatz REINHART.

Reference: radio telegram therefrom.

recorded arrivals until December 31, 42,

L [Lublin]


B [Belzec]


S [Sobibor]


T [Treblinka]

10 335 


23 611

sum total [as per] December 31, 42,


24 733


434 508


101 370


71 355

read: 713 555

1 274 166

SS and Police Leader Lublin, HOFLE, Sturmbannfuhrer

(i): Einsatz Reinhardt. SS und Pol.Fuehrer Lublin sends the Befehlshaber der Sipo Krakau a report on Einsatz Reinhardt for the 14 days up to 31.1.42. [sic] Increase to 31.12.42: L12761, B 0, S515, T 10335, altogether 23611. Totals on 31.12.42: L24733, B 434508, S 101370, T 71355: altogether 1274166 (355a 13)."

II. Concentration Camps. [...]
The Einsatz Reinhardt [sic] (see O/S 6, iii.I) is probably referred to again: on 15 Sept. a car is sent from Auschwitz to Litzmannstadt to try out the fieldkitchens for the Aktion Reinhard [sic] 237b42.

Note the earlier sentence in the British Codebreaker's Military Intelligence Analysis of these German Police Singals Intelligence (SIG-INT) Intercepts at Bletchley Park : "DACHAU is still being used to receive the unfit, as 19 TB cases were sent there on 28 Nov. (311b18)"

Dachau was not a Death Camp. It was a prison camp.

It was never an Extermination Centre, and no serious person today will ever try to claim that it ever was.

(The Narrative contained within Billy Wilder's "The Death Mills" (1946) notwithstanding.)

This tells us both that Dachau was not a Death Camp or and Extermination Centre (in 1942), and that it had a medical isolation unit to receive and treat inmates infected with tuberculosis, segregated away separately from the general camp inmate population - the Germans were engaged in a serious effort to keep the general inmate population of Dachau alive, free from infectious diseases and at least somewhat healthy (1942).

The crucial word in that sentence is unfit.

Does that mean "unfit" in the British Huxley-Rockefeller Eugenics sense of "unfit to survive",  does it mean "unfit" in the Politically Correct-Frankfurt School deconstructionist modern sense of "unable to work", or does it mean "unfit" in the military academy-Army General Staff sense of "not fit for duty, excused boots"?

In the minds of the British Civilian Oxbridge Accademics of Bletchley Park who decoded the German SIG-INT, it probably means both of the first two, and possibly all three. 

In 1942. Before Nuremberg.

In the minds of the British Military Sandhurst Educated Squarebashing Officers who wrote the military intelligence report based upon the decrypted German SIG-INT intercepts, it probably means both of the last two, and possibly all three. 

In 1942. Before Nuremberg.

In the minds of the German Nazi-SS Military Einstatzguppen-furhurs and NSDAP bureaucrats and administrators, it probably means all three to a certain degree, since they were largely unconcerned with making the distinction on an ideological level.

But not on a practical level. Either before, or after Nuremberg.

These people at the time were subjects but not citizens of the Reich. They had no Civil Rights and few legal protections.

For the true-believers in National Socialism, this already presented an ideological rumple by 1942 with regard to the question of those Reich subjects "not fit for work"; the political problem was, that in September 1939, immediately prior to the invasion and annexation of Eastern Poland and the establishment of the General Government, the Reich had already physically liquidated all of those "not fit for work" German subjects of the Reich that had previously been stripped of their German citizenship, Civil Rights and legal protections under various previously enacted German laws under Aktion-T4.

It was a - largely public - planned mass euthanasia Act of State programme ordered from the very Head of Government, and approved, ordered and authorised by the duly recognised German Head of State.

That is to say, Adolf Hitler knew about it, authorised others subordinate to him within the government to carry out the plan and accepted the sole Executive Responsibilty for the mass-killing (by Doctors and Clinicians) of mentally retarded, physically crippled or psychologically disturbed Germans.

Here is the piece of paper documenting his order approving the plan and authorising its proposed action from the German state archives, carrying his signature and the date (both fully authenticated).

Reich Leader Bouhler and Dr. med. Brandt 

are charged with the responsibility of enlarging the competence of certain physicians, designated by name, so that patients who, on the basis of human judgment [menschlichem Ermessen], are considered incurable, can be granted mercy death [Gnadentod] after a discerning diagnosis. 

— Adolf Hitler 

There is no similar documentary written or spoken order that exists or can be inferred to exist in any form relating to any aspect of the entire Concentration Camp archipelago during the entire documented 12 year history and operation of those camps.

This social system which allowed for the mass euthanasia and forced sterilisation of the Eugenically "unfit" was largely copied from and based upon the British system of exclusion, forced labour and segregation initially set up under the auspices of The Mental Deficiency Act (1913) - authored by British Home Secretary and President of the Second World Eugenics Congress (1912), Winston S. Churchill, and reaffirmed as Constitutional by decision of the United States Supreme Court in the 1930s.

To clarify the current position of ALL mainstream Holocaust historiography and research as of 2015, which has been in near total consensus now for well over three decades :

There were NO Death Camps or Extermination Centres or Mass Graves anywhere in the Western Zones of Occupation, or liberated by the Western Allies - NONE.

Every single one of the claimed Extermination Centres are located in Poland or formerly occupied Soviet territory and comprise solely of Auschwitz, Mjadanek, the dismantled Einstatz Reinhadt Camps and a few sites of major Einstatzgruppen massacres like Babbi Yar.

Billie Wilder never visited or had access to, never photographed or documented a single Nazi Death camp in the process of producing his documentary short "The Death Mills" (1946) for the U.S. Army Psychological Warfare Division (later renamed "Information Control" during the period of Allied Military Occupation in Western Germany).

These are not Death Camps. 

These are prison camps, concentration camps and labour camps where plague epidemics have set in and a number of things have gone horribly, horribly wrong...

Vulcan High Magick

"This is the Hebrew Letter 'Shin'...
Very interesting letter in the Hebrew language..."
- Nimoy

"Well, I peeked..."

- Leonard Nimoy

This is an invocation of Hebrew Angel Magicks by signs, sigils, gestures, altered states of consciousness and acoustic wave harmonic technology.

John 1 King James Version (KJV)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

In Genesis, God exists as a sound representing the idea or concept of God, of the Logos before the physical universe formed - reality was spoken into existence, with a Magick word.

Genesis 1 King James Version (KJV)

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

"Word up - it's the Code Word"
- Cameo, 1987

May the LORD bless you and guard you –

יְבָרֶכְךָ יהוה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ
(Yevhārēkh-khā Adhōnāy veyishmerēkhā ...)

May the LORD make His face shed light upon you and be gracious unto you –

יָאֵר יהוה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ
("Yāʾēr Adhōnāy pānāw ēlekhā viḥunnékkā ...)

May the LORD lift up His face unto you and give you peace –

יִשָּׂא יהוה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם
("Yissā Adhōnāy pānāw ēlekhā viyāsēm lekhā shālōm.")

Grave of Rabbi and Kohen Meschullam Kohn (1739-1819) in Fürth (Bavaria, Germany). 
Some believe this duplicate of a previously found damaged artifact.

"Why you're not supposed to look... came to me much, much later..."
- Nimoy

"The Ark is more than just an ancient artefact - it's a radio for talking to G*d."

- The very esoteric goyim George Lucas, and the very Talmudic Steven Spielberg, 1981

"I am uncomfortable viz ziss... Jewish ceremony, Monsiuer"

"Would you rather wait until we get to Berlin? And open it for your Furhur there?"

Which of course dodges the question and avoids the point of the previous statement - it's not a Jewish ceremony, it's a Hebrew-Israelite ceremony.

The Vichyssoise, Beloq is dressed in the Temple garb of a Hebrew priest of the Temple of Solomon, charged with the sole duty of keeping the resting place for the Ark in the Holy of Holies and tending and ministering to the needs of The Pressence according to strict ritual procedure and protocols.

Post-Temple Rabbinical Judaism has not priests only Rabbis ("Teachers").

Rabbinic Judaism was created in Babylon, not Palestine, during the time of the Baylonian Captivity, and the Babylonians (who were studiously pedantic bureaucrats and administrators, much as the Germans are) did not list the Ark of the Covenant amongst their inventory of loot pillaged from the Temple of Solomon during the sack of Jerusalem in the 8th Century BCE. 

It wasn't there.

The Cohens had made off with it.

Using "a radio" to "talk to G*d" and attempting to connect with The Pressence is a highly dubious career move.

The god of the Torah makes no pretensions towards benevolence - you cannot have a "personal relationship" to YAWH, the way some Christians claim to have with Christ.

Talk to Ashera.

Any attempt to make direct contact with The Presence, and It will likely annihilate your soul.

The Male and the Females aspects must be in equilibrium,
the Generative and Destructive aspects of G*d.

Otherwise, you are just asking for trouble...

We went through four Adams before we figured that one out.

...and then there is the Pillar of Fire.

"The legend is, that during that benediction, the Shakhina comes into the sanctuary to bless the congregation; and you don't want to see that because it's so powerful that you could be really seriously injured, or, it could be fatal.

So, that's why you protect yourself by hiding your eyes, y'know, 'Don't look..!'

I survived..."

- Nimoy

"Yet … Judaism long ago acknowledged the validity of [the] feminine dimension of the Deity. 

The two names of God differ grammatically with regard to sexual connotation… The Tetragrammaton (YHVH)…is…feminine; it refers to God as if “He” were in fact “She.” 

Yet, as we have frequently noted, the Lord is also called ELoHiYM. That name ends with…masculine plural… If human beings are created in God’s image, and the single most important thing we know about God is that He is One – why did God create two kinds of people, male and female, after His likeness? …God chose to create two different kinds of people on this earth, not in spite of the fact that He is One, but precisely because God in the deepest sense of the word is really two. 

Of course we do not suggest any kind of dualism implying separate identities. Rather, as the very names of God imply, there are two distinct aspects to the Deity. God is both masculine and feminine. 

This gender difference is not one of physical attributes but one of emotion and typology. "

Benjamin Blech, 
Understanding Judaism, 