Saturday 26 November 2016

Paper Wraps Jelly Baby

In 1942, Aleister Crowley, a British occultist, claimed to have invented the usage of a V-sign in February 1941 as a magical foil to the Nazis' use of the Swastika. 

He maintained that he passed this to friends at the BBC, and to the British Naval Intelligence Division through his connections in MI5, eventually gaining the approval of Winston Churchill. 

Crowley noted that his 1913 publication Magick featured a V-sign and a swastika on the same plate.

(The bemused Movellans are watching a game of paper scissors stone.
DOCTOR: Paper wraps stone. 

Ha, stone blunts scissors. 

Scissors cuts paper. Ha, ha! But suppose we were two computers controlling two great battle fleets, each one working perfectly logically to outmanoeuvre the other. Well, you're robots, you try it. 

SHARREL: We're perfectly...

Try it! Go on. 

(The two Movellans come up with scissors and scissors twice, then stone and stone.

DOCTOR: Ha! You see? You're caught in an impasse of logic. You've discovered the recipe for everlasting peace. Congratulations. I'm terribly pleased. 

Our objective is victory, Doctor. The destruction of the Dalek fleet. 

DOCTOR: You play with me, eh? Come on. 


DOCTOR: Scissors cuts paper. 

SHARREL: Stone. 

DOCTOR: Paper wraps stone. 

SHARREL: Scissors. 

DOCTOR: Stone blunts scissors. Again. Scissors cuts paper. 

SHARREL: Stone. 

DOCTOR: Paper wraps stone. 

SHARREL: Scissors. 

DOCTOR: Stone blunts scissors. 

SHARREL: Thank you, Doctor. Our battle computers must have a new element programmed into them. An advantage, however small, that will change the balance of power. You. 

ROMANA: And the Daleks want the same thing. 


SHARREL: When we reach the fleet, you will reprogramme our computers. 

DOCTOR: I will? 

AGELLA: Yes. The Dalek fleet will be wiped from the heavens and nothing will stand in our way of the conquest of the galaxy. 

DOCTOR: No, you've overlooked something. Suppose I was willing to help you to change the balance of power, which I'm not, Davros will be doing exactly the same things for the Daleks. I mean, he may be mad, but his computer skills are almost as great as mine. 

SHARREL: That is precisely why we're taking you with us, Doctor. When we're safely in space, the Nova device will detonate and destroy Davros. With your skills, the impasse will be broken. 

(The game continues.

Scissors cuts paper. (sotto) Let's get out. 

DOCTOR: (sotto) Yes. (normal) Paper wraps stone. (sotto) How? 

(Two scissors.

ROMANA: Stalemate. (sotto) Do something. 

DOCTOR: (sotto) When I give the signal, move. 

(The Doctor stand but a Movellan with weapon drawn makes him sit down again.

DOCTOR: Stone blunts scissors. 

Good plan. Scissors cuts paper. Paper wraps 

DOCTOR: Jelly baby. 

ROMANA: Jelly baby? 

DOCTOR: Doctor catches robot. 


(Lan and Agella lead the humanoids in. The Doctor spots Tyssan's face by the entrance and leaps to his feet.

DOCTOR: Don't you ever speak to me like that again, you understand? Never! 

ROMANA: What did I say? 

DOCTOR: Jelly baby! You keep out of this. It's a personal matter, isn't it. 


DOCTOR: So just mind your own business. 

ROMANA: You tell him. 

DOCTOR: And you mind your own business, too. 

ROMANA: What? 

DOCTOR: Duck! 

(Lan shoots the Movellan and he tumbles over the Doctor's back. Agella also shoots her fellow robots as the prisoners run in and try to grab control units. Some prisoners are injured. The Doctor dashes to the main computer as four Movellans slowly close in on him. The Doctor blows his dog whistle and they slow enough for Romana to grab three units while the Doctor gets the last one.

DOCTOR: Oh well, so much for logic. A mind that can be scrambled by a dog whistle. 

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