Wednesday 3 September 2014

Able Danger & Door Hop Galley - Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer is a Liar

I have personally been called a Conspiracy Theorist by an agent of the Shaddow Government - after I caught him out lying to The People.

The Way that the Shadow Government applies pressure to control Presidential Administrations in their second term is not through coups, or false flags, or October Surprise, but through scandals; the Vicuña Coat, Vietnam the Liberty Incident, Watergate, Iran-Contra, the Lewinski nonsense... Benghazi, the IRS, shutting down the government.

And Able Danger.

By late 2013, former Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer (Ret.) of the Defense Intelligence Agency was a heavy promoter of the "Obama Did It" Benghazi camp, although clearly he knows better, demanding the immediate impeachment of President Obama for murder - something he notably failed to do in 2005 when charging that Bush Administration Officials apparently let 9/11 happen (although there was an extremely subtle effort to pin this all on decisions made by and during the Clinton Administration).

The point is, it was the military that destroyed this information without showing it to anyone, and it was Clinton Appointee FBI Director Louis Freeh of Opus Dei (who I believe to be an honest broker) who stated clearly under sworn testimony that had he had this information from DIA, they could have prevented "hijackings" by rounding up all the patsies during 2000 and 2001.

from Spike EP on Vimeo.

"WELDON: Door Hop Galley which is another classified program.

In the course of that briefing — and there was a Navy admiral in the room, Admiral Wilson, in charge of DIA, and Richard Schiefren (ph) was in the room. Richard Schiefren (ph) was an attorney at DOD.

In the course of that discussion, Richard Schiefren (ph) discussed Able Danger. I did not know that up until I watched the Heritage Foundation speech that I gave in 2002, where I document the meeting, in the briefing that was done for General Shelton. When I asked Tony Shaffer this morning about that, he said, “Yes, I briefed General Shelton. I was also involved in a Door Hop Galley (ph) brief, where Steve Cambone” — he was not in the position he’s in today. He was a special adviser to Don Rumsfeld.

My concern is if there were 2.5 terabytes of data that were destroyed in the summer of 2000, there had to be material in 2001 if you briefed General Shelton. Where is that material? Where is that briefing?

In addition, there is a question about the possibility of additional data that was in Tony Shaffer’s office that was removed, not all of which was turned over to the 9/11 Commission.

As most of you know by now, when Tony Shaffer returned in January of 2004, Tony Shaffer — or 2003, get my dates right, 2003 — 2004 — in January 2004 — right, because it was in October of 2003 when he first briefed the 9/11 Commission’s staff over in Baghram."

"I wanted to bring Tony Shaffer in to talk to you about the briefing that he was involved with with General Shelton in January of ’01 and the briefing — again, this second briefing, as Tony will tell you, was not specifically about Able Danger. It was about a program called Door Hop Galley (ph).

But during that briefing with Admiral Wilson and with Richard Schiefren (ph), the topic of Able Danger came up and Richard Schiefren (ph), who was the legal counsel at the Pentagon, knew about Able Danger."

And that's all she wrote...

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