Thursday 27 September 2012

A Few Thoughts About Mark Lane

It is a fact that Mark Lane's radicalism stopped dead around 1966 - exactly around the time LBJ asked his people to start gathering dirt on Warren Commission critics (the term "conspiracy theorist" had not yet been coined and would not appear anywhere in print for another two years, when it appeared in a CIA internal memo on the same topic of discrediting them).

As far as we know, Mark Lane's life has never been seriously threatened (and he even managed to walk out of Jonestown alive), although we do know from his own reports that he was bugged and wiretapped pretty much everywhere he went. He never had problems getting a book published and the initial publication of Rush to Judgement was funded (in part) by Clint Murchison.

Mae Brussel noted sadly around 1975 that in 1964, she had been to see Mark Lane deliver a lecture about the assassination where he directed everyone's attention towards the shot from the grassy knoll. Ten Years later, she saw him give a tenth anniversary lecture; in it, he concluded by directing everyone's attention to the shot from the grassy knoll.

He chased Mae out of Jim Garrison's offices in 1867/8, denouncing her as being completely deranged and a liability to an investigation that at that point was largely focused on a defrocked ex-Catholic Priest turned mob-CIA pilot for hire, who claimed he had come up with a cure for lukemia from work he had been doing on several hundred white mice he kept in his apartment for experimentation, who used hypnosis and truth serum to get boys to go to bed with him, kept a private recreational stash of sodium pentathol next to the bed and had no eyebrows.

All if which was absolutely true.

Lane refused point blank to share a stage with Mae or debate her publically and denounced her continually as being "a nut" because she talked about mind control, the Office of Naval Intelligence and Nazis, specifically the HUGE and wildly disproportionate concentration of ex-pat Nazis living in and around Dallas and throughout Texas. Or the presence of George Lincoln Rockwell's home phone number in Lee Oswald's address book.

And he controlled the entire set-up and preliminary phases of what became the House Select Committee on Assassinations to ensure those voices were not heard and those concepts not raised - just the Grassy Knoll , the Mob, and MAYBE the CIA.

It's not unreasonable to conclude they got to him.

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